PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disorder is one of the most common disorder running in this generation girls.Every 1 in 10 girls are affected resulting in many hormonal imbalances in their body. Apart from this their menstrual cycles are not regular,weight gain ,mood fluctuations are also present.Girls with PCOD have difficulty in conceiving too!!!
Now I am discussing a case of PCOD that came to our clinic and improved drastically! Patient named X of age 18 came to our clinic with history of very irregular menstrual cycle since 7 yrs. Apart from this acne were present since 2yrs.Hirusitism was also there.
Patient named X of age 60 female came to our clinic with the chief complaint of difficulty in falling asleep at night till 2 to 3 a.m since 6 months.
Difficulty in falling asleep at night kept her restless during day.. Apart from this she also reported one strange feeling that she was going through...She reported a feeling of insect moving through her body when there is no such insect..Huh..what's that!!How is this possible..but yeah that's true as it was there.
These two problems affected her lifestyle badly!
She came to us and we gave two acupoints on ear and sent her and guess what....she called up next day with the happiness in her voice saying...hey doctor I slept very nicely on time after so long..and I have no such strange feeling of insect moving through my body anymore...thanks a lot!!! The best part is everything fell in place so easily without any internal intake of medicines or side effects...sleep.jpg
Acupuncture involves insertion of hair fine needles into specific sites of body along the energy meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage normal flow of energy or qi through the individual.
Practioner may also add moxibution,electro-stimulation,laser therapy and cupping to it for synergistic results!!!